Perbaikan, Penjualan, Instalasi & Kalibrasi 15 ppm Bilge Alarm Monitor Bilgmon 488 Brannstrom di Indonesia
JASA PERBAIKAN & KALIBRASI OWS 15 PPM BILGMON 488 BRANNSTROM BILGE ALARM MONITOR Jasa Layanan Automasi & Instrumentasi menyediakan Layanan Teknis Jasa :
Kalibrasi 15 ppm OWS Oil Water Separator & Bilge Alarm Monitor Bilgmon 488 Brannstrom
Penjualan 15 ppm Bilge Alarm Monitor Bilgmon 488 Brannstrom
Perbaikan OWS 15 ppm Oily Water Separator & Bilge Alarm Monitor Bilgmon 488 Brannstrom
Instalasi 15 ppm Bilge Alarm Monitor Bilgmon 488 Brannstrom
Troubleshooting OWS Oil Water Separator 15 ppm Bilge Alarm Monitor Bilgmon 488 Brannstrom
Perawatan 15 ppm OWS Oil Water Separator & Bilge Alarm Monitor Bilgmon 488 Brannstrom
Perbaikan / Repair Bilgmon 488 RTC Check Failed
Perbaikan / Repair Bilgmon 488 RTC Malfunction
Tersedia Delivery Services di Workshop dan On Board Services di seluruh pelabuhan Indonesia. Dengan Tim Teknisi dan Engineer yang Handal, Terlatih dan Berpengalaman, yang juga merupakan bagian dari SHIPSUPPLY.ID Indonesian Ship Supply & Service menyediakan Layanan Jasa Perbaikan, Penjualan, Instalasi dan Kalibrasi 15 ppm Bilge Alarm Monitor dari berbagai type & Maker ;
Bilgmon 488 Brannstrom
GBA-155 Georim
GBA-150 Georim
Smart Bilge Rivertrace
OMD-11 Deckma Hamburg
OMD-24 Deckma Hamburg
OMD-32 Deckma Hamburg
OMD-2005 Deckma Hamburg
OMD-2008 Deckma Hamburg
Focas-2000 Fellow Kogyo
Focas-1500 Fellow Kogyo
Focas-1800 Fellow Kogyo
BA-50 Marine Tech, dll
Permintaan Bisnis : Sales Support
Indonesian Marine Supply & Services SHIPSUPPLY.ID juga menyediakan Layanan Jasa Perbaikan, Penjualan, Instalasi, Troubleshooting dan Kalibrasi Automasi & Instrumentasi Kapal Laut ;
- Controllable Pitch Propulsion (CCP)
- Steam Condenser Level Control System
- Impressed Current Cathodic Protection System (ICCP)
- Incinerator
- Reverse Osmosis (RO) System
- Fresh Water Generator System
- Pressure / Temperature Measuring Instruments
- Shaft Power
- Ship Performance System
- Inert Gas (IG)/O2 Analyzer
- PLC Control Panels
- Power Distribution Panels
- Cargo Tank Level & Temperature Monitoring System
- Cargo Tank High Level & Overfill Alarm System
- Cargo Tank Pressure Monitoring System
- Cargo Hold Water Ingress Detection & Alarm System
- Cargo Oil Pump Temperature Monitoring System
- Pump Room Gas Alarm - Combustible, H2S and Oxygen
- Boiler Automatic Combustible Control System (A.C.C)
- Ballast Tank & Draft Gauging System
- Ballast Tank Combustible Gas Alarm
- Vapour Emission Control System - Pressure & Oxygen
- Radar Type Tank Level Gauging System
- Manifold Pressure Monitoring System
- 15 ppm OWS Oil Water Separator
- ODME Oil Discharge Monitor Equipment
- Fixed Gas Detection System
- Portable Single Gas Detector
- Portable Multi Gas Detector
- UTI meter & UTI tapes Ullage Temperature Interface
- 15 ppm Bilge Alarm Monitor
- Fire Alarm System
- Oil Mist Detector
- Smoke Detector
- Gas Sampling System
- Chain Locker Water Level
- Engine Telegraph
- Stern Thruster
- Bow Thruster Control
- Rudder
- Engine Room Alarm
- General Alarm System
- Cargo Tank monitoring system (Level, Pressure, Temp.)
- Engine control systems
- Engine safety alarm & shutdown system
- Engine Telegraph Systems
- Ballast Tank gauging and Gas Detection
- Pump Room Gas Detection
- Gas Sampling System
- High Level Alarm/
- Over Fill Alarm System
- Noise Survey & Megger Test
- CCTV , dll
Jasa Kalibrasi Sertifikat KAN :
Jasa Kalibrasi Gas Sampling System - Sertifikat KAN
Jasa Kalibrasi OWS Oily Water Separator - Sertifikat KAN
Jasa Kalibrasi IGS Inert Gas System - Sertifikat KAN
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